Friday, May 31

3 big Hollywood celebs on gender

Polansky on the attempt to make the sexes the same 
Geena Davis on Sexism in Hollywood
Glenn Close on her role in "Fatal Attraction"

Sexism links - general

! VIRGINITY TESTS prior to marriage
Sexism is the military's greatest sin
Sin to tell a woman she'd make a great mom
The classic piece:  "The Personal is Political"
Rape in the military
she's Too Pretty to work
Time to stop Hooking Up - you know you want to
Will this app make us stop buying sexist junk?
Visualizing LARGE BREASTS - what it says
Women:  no more menopause ? ? ?

craziness - ? - n the treatment of women

Sharia law:  Better off under Mubarak in Egypt

what our government offers girls 10-16 y.o.:  look at this sex advice

Men - what are men going through & what's true of them?

"pair bonding" - what happens

desire in a long term relationship
marriage and love
sex over 50
some (more) women wanna just "stay home" now - what's that about?

will YOU become more conservative as you age?  people do

gender bending & abandoning the family as the unit

girls forced to kiss
         and then again there is THIS of the Israeli women soldiers

Wednesday, May 8

start here - what do we use with which to "make sense"

what do you see
direct experience
social conventions