Tuesday, September 28

Life as we know it

So I went to a screening tonight of a new romantic comedy called life as we know it! It's actually quite a refreshing breathe of air for the genre however I don't think someone could pay any of you $10 to go see it for a free! So I got to the screening at about 4:30 and maybe the 9th in line! The person at the front was sitting in a chair from the cafe she moved to the line! Then about 5:00 this other lady a heavyset elderly lady grabbed a chair from the cafe and placed it about 5 people behind me! The lady in front starting yelling across the room that she was disabled and was the only one allowed to have a chair! The elderly lady ignored her! The handicapped lady walked up to box office she was handicapped! She started bitching to the manager! The manager then told the other lady who was harming no one to put the chair back cause she wasn't disabled! Then the elderly lady went over to the other lady and simply pointed her finger and said that was so mean and other people need chairs to! Then walked off! The handicap lady started technically walking around and found the manager and I could hear the whole conversation...........the lady literally started crying and told the manager she was kicked and punched by the elderly lady and threatened to call police if the other lady wasn't kicked out! So I quickly went into deep emotional thought! Were these two people rivals? One skip a screening line before? Did the elderly lady have an affair with her husband? Then I decided the bitch was just crazy! When the manager was in route to elderly lady I typically would stay out of it but told the manager the story and she left the situation alone!

That's all I got for the week...

By the way what's with all this road construction how about putting those millions into new schools! I'd rather drive on a bumpy road if I know our future generations were getting a proper education

Oh and why can't they say lick on the radio?


  1. grt post. i can see it as the opening scene to a movie about a young film student who is writing a screenplay about contemporary politics. throughout the screenplay, he keeps running into scenes from life that confound his indoctrinated ideologies. good report.
    I watched The Movie (The Rules of Attraction) last night. It removed all ability to critique anything. thx

  2. I'm confused you watched it and what?
