Friday, May 31

3 big Hollywood celebs on gender

Polansky on the attempt to make the sexes the same 
Geena Davis on Sexism in Hollywood
Glenn Close on her role in "Fatal Attraction"


  1. I agree w Polansky. could you make an apple be an orange? why would you want to?

  2. I agree with Geena Davis that are less roles for women as they get older. However I feel like that is changing with time. Meryl Streep as had some great roles after 40 and Jessica Lange just did a great comeback into the business with American Horror Story. Hopefully this will continue.

  3. Yes, I also agree with Polansky, as well as Glenn Close. I've been a huge fan of Gena Davis, and her performance in "A Woman Under the Influence" is spectacular. Her assessment on female roles in Hollywood movies I believe is pretty true. For me, it's becoming rather irksome to see so many movies where female characters are simply tools for the male lead. Most of them lack any sort of depth outside of quirky traits for the male character to fall for. It does get worse for older actresses who do find their choice of roles reduced tremendously, and for every Meryl Streep or Jessica Lange there's countless roles for older male actors. It's tremendously heavy handed in favor of males when it comes to actors (and many other jobs for that matter), and I believe this is in large apart of the fact Hollywood is still a very male-driven industry and most of the material stems from men. This is not to say that men don't write great female characters, rather you could infer that many stories are written from what the author knows and feels best which leads to a very male heavy number of material. As time passes, and more women rise in the industry so to will the number of respectable and equal roles for women I believe.
