Friday, May 31

Sexism links - general

! VIRGINITY TESTS prior to marriage
Sexism is the military's greatest sin
Sin to tell a woman she'd make a great mom
The classic piece:  "The Personal is Political"
Rape in the military
she's Too Pretty to work
Time to stop Hooking Up - you know you want to
Will this app make us stop buying sexist junk?
Visualizing LARGE BREASTS - what it says
Women:  no more menopause ? ? ?


  1. Where's the movie about Israeli women soldiers?

  2. The Hook up culture article is very interesting. I agree with a lot of the findings, that there should be other options.

  3. The Hook-Up theory doesn't apply to all members of our generation. I think it's more of a cultural norm that people fall into, rather than something evolution has engineered . It's a self choice.

  4. I found the article on hook ups interesting. It's sad but a lot of what was said in the article is true and it's nice that they actually have statistics to help support it. It seems to me that most of it is really just a phase we enter after entering college and being on our own for the first time. I wish they would have statistics that also included age groups to see how common it is among the older generation in relation to the younger.

  5. LESS common : )
    I wonder how many in the class read this among all the links - it got the most comments (3). Obviously of interest to your generation even if not common as the media wants to make us think.

  6. Just read the hooking up article. Pretty disturbingly true. It HAS become sort of a "laundry list" to-do item on most college student agendas--almost as if entering a monogamous relationship is frowned upon. Of course, if a person chooses to have meaningless sex, that's their prerogative, but to think that this method has passed the "norm" of what should be expected and entered into the realm of the only acceptable lifestyle, is pretty disheartening.

  7. Just read the article on the #NotBuyingIt app. It well may make some people stop buying certain things but I don't think most people have the time to be constantly checking this app for posts. I know that I won't be checking it all the time, I just don't have the time. It is of course a great place for people to post their concerns about advertisement but it is definitely not going to stop it all together.

  8. Just read the article on the #NotBuyingIt app. It well may make some people stop buying certain things but I don't think most people have the time to be constantly checking this app for posts. I know that I won't be checking it all the time, I just don't have the time. It is of course a great place for people to post their concerns about advertisement but it is definitely not going to stop it all together.

  9. I don't know how I feel about these topics.
    The whole virginity test notion is scary, but somewhat admissible in my book.
    Women tend to lie about virginity, and it would nice to know who is lying and who is not.
    If the culture emphasizes marriage as being pure, then I say why not, let these woman get tested because I think this will save a lot of marriages. But I also think men should get tested too, if there was a way. I see this having a positive effect; monogamy would be best executed this way, as it will also prevent STD's and adultery, but that's just my opinion. It's a strange world.
