Monday, August 26

Qs U can ask yrself for yr project Due Sept 3

  1. how do we know what we know
  2. how does what we know show
  3. how can we learn what we don't know
  4. how do patterns-of-knowing get into conflict?  who wins?
  5. how do patterns-of-knowing break down and synthesize each other?  what loses?
  6. do we know as scientists or know as believers?  do those methods of knowing fight?
  7. what do we know when we are born?  awareness?
    is that knowing the ONLY knowing that is first-hand, i.e., not taught?
    can we return to it once we have an arsenal of instincts?
    is it innocence?
  8. do men know the world in one way, women in another
  9. do people of different races know the world one way, and do the gender roles transfer flipped or transfer parallel
  10. do we learn as we age - or do we unlearn?  Did Jim Carrey and whatps-her-name learn in "Eternal Sunshine" or unlearn?  Can we learn to unlearn?
  11. what is the difference between intelligence and wisdom?

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