Thursday, October 3

the epidemic of mental illness

  1. increase in # treated for MI:  2.5x betw '87 and /07 (from 1 in 184 to 1 in 75)
  2. MI now leading cause of disability in children
  3. 46% w at least 1 MI w/in 4 categories (1 anxiety,2  mood disorders, 3 impulse control disorders, 4 substance use disorders)
  4. shift from talk therapy to drugs as dominant mode
  5. 3 books which criticize the trend:  angry, sad books
    disturbing extent of selling drugs
    doubt MI is caused by a chem imbalance
  6. brain has billions of nerve cells (neurons).  Multiple filament (axon and dentrites) to signal
    signal across synapse.  to signal, release a neurotransmitter.
  7. drugs affect neurotransmitter levels
  8. much more on whether drugs actually relate back to the source of the problem or actually create an imbalance in the brain (!)
  9. placebos were 82% as effective as drugs
  10. getting off the drugs can be tricky
in past couple of years, use in preschoolers is dropping

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