Friday, October 25

this is a wonderful series of 3

I especially like #3 for Film Students; this is #1

Sunday, October 6

Thursday, October 3

Movies with Abnormal Psych as topic - keep adding


American Psycho

A Beautiful Mind <-- we will watch Nov 22
Barfly (addiction)
Prozac Nation
The Birds
Black Swan
Play Misty for Me (Clint Eastwood)


A Clockwork Orange

One Flew Over the CooCoo's Nest
Donnie Darko

David and Lisa

Diary of a Mad Housewife
Fatal Attraction
Silence of the Lambs
Frances (borderline)
Shutter Island
Girl Interrupted

Flash from the Past

Fight Club
King of Comedy
Requim for a Dream (addiction)
The Joker
Ray (addiction)
Fatal attraction

Taxi Driver
Mommy Dearest
The Three Faces of Eve
Marne (Hitchcock - kleptomaniac)
Trainspotting (addiction)
Tender Mercies (addiction)
Man w the Golden Arm
Shutter Island
Natural Born Killers
Single White Female
The Night Porter
Notes on a Scandal <-- excellent 
 A Woman Under the Influence

Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf?

for YOUR presentations

diseases we are NOT covering:
also shopaholic, hoarders, internet obsession, sexual predator, kleptomania, gambling . . .
SEE for more detail and options

the epidemic of mental illness

  1. increase in # treated for MI:  2.5x betw '87 and /07 (from 1 in 184 to 1 in 75)
  2. MI now leading cause of disability in children
  3. 46% w at least 1 MI w/in 4 categories (1 anxiety,2  mood disorders, 3 impulse control disorders, 4 substance use disorders)
  4. shift from talk therapy to drugs as dominant mode
  5. 3 books which criticize the trend:  angry, sad books
    disturbing extent of selling drugs
    doubt MI is caused by a chem imbalance
  6. brain has billions of nerve cells (neurons).  Multiple filament (axon and dentrites) to signal
    signal across synapse.  to signal, release a neurotransmitter.
  7. drugs affect neurotransmitter levels
  8. much more on whether drugs actually relate back to the source of the problem or actually create an imbalance in the brain (!)
  9. placebos were 82% as effective as drugs
  10. getting off the drugs can be tricky
in past couple of years, use in preschoolers is dropping

The Illusions of Psychiatry: August 18, 2011

in response to "The Illusions of Psychiatry" from July 14

  1. John Oldham, President APA says no
  2. Daniel Carlat, MD Psychatry:  the drugs work
  3. Richard Friedman, MD Psychiatry:  ok we don't know sources, but the drugs work
  4. Marcia Angell replies:  all 3 just assume the drugs are helpful
    the psychiatry profession and pharmaceutical have strong interest in convincing us the drugs work
    Shrinks make 2X as much money prescribing drugs as providing talk therapy
    the point is to be careful until it is clear that the benefits outweigh the harms.

  1. paragraph 1-5 in my article in the last issue - through psychiatry became the darling of the pharmaceutical industry, which soon made its gratitude tangible.  Mauricio and  Brandon   Meds - doctors   Eisenberg and ADD got out of Freudian view.  drugs into'd in the 50s and by the 80s the focus was set .... yippie for science .... Melvin Sebastian <-- the culprit  
  2. paragraph 5-9 In the late 1970s, the psychiatric profession struck back—hard. -through-
    The DSM-IV sold over a million copies.    Raymond:   re-medicalized psychiatry.  embraced the biological model ....  upped shrinks among the many who "talk" .... DSM iii radically diff from DSM ii     1980 265 diagnoses.    The "go to" book.    brings consistency.   funny part:   was to be more reliable, but none are really backed up by scientific studies.   
  3. paragraph 9-13 Not only did the DSM become the bible of psychiatry - through -
    the second block quote in paragraph 13 which ends with "provided a moral authority"  Aysia   no  basis for it as psychiatry started grwoing, DSM got bigger in # and in popularity.   drug intensive.   drug co's w "hand in everything."  Key opinion leaders.   
  4. paragraph 13- 15 In addition to the money spent on the psychiatric profession - through -
    As they multiply with each edition of the DSM, what are we to make of them    Kyle  $$$$ Eli LIlly  550,000    etc ....   Shrinks who use drugs = 180/hour vs. one for talk therefore they make more money    drugs vary but not much.  
  5. paragraph 15 -18  As for the medications themselves - through -
    It looks as though it will be harder and harder to be normal.     Zack and steven .... handful of umbrella categories, subjective bsis ffor choosing one cat over another.    create as many cats as possible to ID as many diseases as possible .... bonanza    .
  6. paragraph 18 - 22  Even Allen Frances, chair of the DSM-IV task force, is highly critical - through  - states will save money by shifting welfare costs to the federal government.-  Jesus and Gyzelle  expanding the DSM ... more $$ for bigpharma.   push for expansion was cronyism ....   juv bi polar multiplied 40x between 1992 - 2004.  Autism went from 1 in 500 to 1 in 90.      
  7. paragraph 22 - 26  One would be hard pressed - through -
    just as companies are prohibited from marketing them off-label.    many shrinks RX non-labelled drugs .... .
  8. paragraph 27 - 29 : Tabor
    two books are pwrful indictments of psychiatric practice
    "frenzy" of diagnosis
    overuse of drugs - sometimes devastating side effects
    many conflicts of interest
    maybe the "price" to relieve suffering is loss of brain tissue (!)
    especially need to rethink the way we treat children
    time honored medical dictum:  "Do no harm."

Tuesday, September 3

Alway's Loved this Speech.

It's probably just as relevant today as it was upon release. Enjoy

Tuesday, August 27

Line these up!

  1. movies frames of reference
  2. James Cagney "The Gallant Hours" 
  3. Pat Pattison - we sing in groups:  coursera
  4. and for Eternal ... Spotless Mind person 

Monday, August 26

Qs U can ask yrself for yr project Due Sept 3

  1. how do we know what we know
  2. how does what we know show
  3. how can we learn what we don't know
  4. how do patterns-of-knowing get into conflict?  who wins?
  5. how do patterns-of-knowing break down and synthesize each other?  what loses?
  6. do we know as scientists or know as believers?  do those methods of knowing fight?
  7. what do we know when we are born?  awareness?
    is that knowing the ONLY knowing that is first-hand, i.e., not taught?
    can we return to it once we have an arsenal of instincts?
    is it innocence?
  8. do men know the world in one way, women in another
  9. do people of different races know the world one way, and do the gender roles transfer flipped or transfer parallel
  10. do we learn as we age - or do we unlearn?  Did Jim Carrey and whatps-her-name learn in "Eternal Sunshine" or unlearn?  Can we learn to unlearn?
  11. what is the difference between intelligence and wisdom?

Tuesday, July 30

Final Project due Sept 3: 8 groups of 2.

DEMONSTRATE:  thought patterns related to social organization
Present film clips & together & discuss together Paper:  2.5 pgs per individual or 3.5 pgs together.

Ÿ  Hist’l drama: show some of “the Killer Apps”
Ÿ  Costume, hair,  Art direction  - as it reflects thought patterns of society
Ÿ  Dialog - revealing thought assumptions as well as "gesture" 
Ÿ  Male pov/Female pov
Ÿ  Stages of the life cycle - and corresponding thought patterns
Ÿ  Music - classical, romantic, modern, post modern, electronica 
Ÿ  Political movements - changing thought patterns
Ÿ  Technology Science - as it comes to encroach upon human lifeŸ
Ÿ  Nature
Ÿ  Mysticism
Ÿ Values
Ÿ Socialization into an "is" pattern

this list can grow . . . 
two advances in consciousness:  how?  why?
Bad Boy
Race and the ghetto
Becket, Apocapalypto
Pageantry, order, tribal, middle ages
Ben Hur
Christianity, forgiveness, redemption
change the p.o.v.
you "know" there is something "out there"
multiple ways to think & structure world
Do the Right Thing
Race - notice the reviews in IMDB
Dr. Zhivagho
Communism - diff pol thought system

Life of Pi   faith

Anna Karinina    different era - or was it?
Fr & Ital auteurs in 60s 70s
“slice of life” – no pattern, no B M E
Gods Must be Crazy, The
primitive tribal thinking
Gunga Din
chance to see a classic
Harry Potter
what’s that about?  magical thinking?
Hustle and Flow
Race and creativity
stupidity runs the country
is life a dream – is a dream life
Letters from Iwo Jima
2 types of soldiers = thought systems
 - reading the world another way (like Egypt)
what is real
mind blowing – willful mind blowing
QT film(s)
Singing in the Rain
create your own happiness (westher Nayler)
Spring Summer, Fall, Winter
stillness -
Teen movies
as if they are a whole other species
The Shining
the shining
modernism and innocence

waking life dreams - and stuff ...


We need to talk about Kevin

The Tree of Life
Shutter Island
Roshamon - Kurasawa - the classic about p.o.v.

hear color

Missed video - opportunity

If you miss a video day, you miss a quiz.  Since you are allowed two absences, here is a way to make up:  the video is on reserve in the library.  Watch an episode there in the viewing room.
It is called "CIVILIZATION" - see episode title on the syllabus.  Type up a double spaced paper of no more than 500 words (at least 3 paragraphs to organize your thoughts) to summarize the episode.  You can earn a C or a B rather than an F.
If you are unhappy with your grade on the quiz, you may do the same and potentially increase your quiz score.

Monday, July 29

The Future of the Ancient World

The Restitution of the Ear
July 16
The Heart of the Lily
July 23
A MikeS B Ramon
The Soul of the Weather
July 30
C Bianca E Alison F MichaelB Nimi
The Reality that is not There
July 30
G Koji  H Janel  I Christina
Ancient Egy & Soul of  West
July 30
J Daniel  K  L MichaelB
On the Divinity of the Gods
Aug 6
M Sean  N Lindsey  
The Artist as Priest
Aug 6
C Scarlett  F Michael B I Christina
Ancient Egy & Mod Esoter'sm
Aug 13
B Ramon  E Alison G Koji
Being Ancient in a Mod Way
Aug 13
A MikeS H Janel   Nimi
The Future of  Ancient World
Aug 20
Scarlett K  Christian M Sean
Christ and the Gods
Aug 20
  J Daniel   N Lindsey Bianca
Pathwys into future fr Past
Aug 27
Tabor    K Christian

and you all got an email last week about this assignment - including a sample and some critique of July 23.  Remember you can jump into another "letter" and get some extra credit.