Monday, April 7

Psychological Disorders - two weeks worth

Psychological Disorders:
A.  Early causes (if any)   B.  Break-out of Symptoms   C.  DSM Diagnosis & treatment  D.  Prognosis

1.  PTSD   PTSD and USC Film school after army  PTSD symptoms  History of PTSD "The Hurt Locker" "Marnie" (Hitchcock)   Jenny in "Forrest Gump"   Watson in the first episode of the new "Sherlock Holmes"   Celie in "The Color Purple"

2.  Low-Grade depression Dysthemic Disorder    Dysthemia   YouTube on Dysthemia  Dysthemia in Women   A Cartoon look at it  Wife in "Kramer vs. Kramer"   Neighbor's wife in "American Beauty"    Meryl Streep and 50s wife in "The Hours"   wife in "Ordinary People"  Shirley MacLaine in "The Apartment"

3. "Manic Depressive" Bi-Polar disorder   What is bi-polar?  NYT    Catherine Zeta-Jones on bi-polar   Ted Talk on it   Why Can't Hollywood Get bi-polar Right?"   "A Shrink's critique of "Silver Linings Playbook'"  2nd Shrink's Critique of "Silver Linings Playbook"  "A Beautiful Mind"   "Pollack"  "Girl, Interrupted"

Your assignment, due (typed) Group B April 7.  Group C April 14.
emailing it early is good; but really due hard copy on due date
  • pick one disorder (1-2-3 above for Group B or 1-2-3-4 below for Group C)
  • read at least two of the links for that disorder
  • provide a one to two page double spaced review or highlights of the two links 
  • list at least two more films that depict this disorder
  • with at least one film (my list or your list) articulate how that movie reveals that disease.
April 14, we move on to 4 more; GROUP C responsible (Shru, Amanda, June)
1 Borderline Personality Disorder test:  do U have it? test 2 here are some movies   NIMH    details  
2 Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)  WebMD    WIKI   a test  Cleveland Clinic classic movies:  Three Faces of Eve and Sybl (the original with Sally Field)   
3 Narcissistic Personality Disorder (as opposed to egotism) a test  Psych Today  HuffPo  SciAmerican some resources "The Drama of the Gifted Child" and invalidation; "Mommy Dearest", "American Psycho"
4 Schizophrenia   NIH  early testing   the types of schiz  social factors, not brain   classic movie "Sunset Blvd."

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