Saturday, April 27

Hey S&G-ers! Check out this trailer for your fellow CCHer Morgan Toll's thesis film. I art directed it and would love for you all to watch and share with friends. We're going to be posting a campaign on indiegogo in order for us to finish it and would love all the support we can get. Thanks! - Victoria

Wednesday, April 24

Cameron Russell: Looks Aren't Everything

this was posted by someone else - but as a draft.  I thought it was a good one so I am posting it.  didn't know if the poster wanted to be anonymous... or what

Monday, April 22

Film Lists

Let's use this post to suggest films that fit the categories:  jobs, patriarchal or break-the-mold, family, hot sex, sex as topic, violence, age and sex, LGBTQ, Weddings, Ethnic Differences, Single Parenting.

I saw one this weekend that is great for Ethnic distinctions and gender relations:  Tarantino's "Jackie Brown."  Wow, what a film!

Wednesday, April 17

what do we do with our observations?

Learning about behavior patterns that tend to attach to a particular sex or  gender (by nature or by culture) can help to free us. We might have been thinking (and acting) like our friend or partner *is* a certain way, but when we realize that it is characteristic of an entire sex or gender, it has the potential to free us.  We can let go of a notion that our friend or partner "should" be a certain way.   For example, if a woman thinks "her man" does not notice details, it may help for her to realize that many men tend to be busy with goal-based focus, not detail.  Likewise, if a man thinks "his woman" always wants to talk and seems too dependent, it may help for him to realize that this is the way women behave to feel closeness.

Monday, April 1

Erikson's 8 stages

NICE and simple

RBrain LBrain quiz

Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz
The higher of these two numbers below indicates which side of your brain has dominance in your life. Realising your right brain/left brain tendancy will help you interact with and to understand others.
Left Brain Dominance: 8(8)
Right Brain Dominance: 9(9)
Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz


here's a picture to contemplate